Local, dual language Girls Who Code clubs 

Coding clubs in local schools

Sharing STEM and computer science with local students in a fun, safe environment.

Minecraft avatars

These clubs are a collaboration among the STC for Quantitative Cell Biology, the Grainger Engineering Library, and the Urbana 116 and Champaign Unit 4 school districts. For more information or to sign up to volunteer, please contact Sharlene Denos.

Frequently asked questions about our club

What is Girls Who Code?

Minecraft model of the minimal cellGirls Who Code is a national group dedicated to closing the gender gap in STEM and computer science. GWC provides curricula and access to their online platform with free content that facilitators/educators can use to establish their own GWC clubs locally.

Our clubs provide coding activities and role models to 6-8th graders at International Prep Academy in Champaign and Urbana Middle School enrolled in the Spanish/English dual language programs.

What are the clubs' goals?

The goal is to introduce middle school students to coding through the application of Minecraft to make the content more accessible and a more fun learning experience for the kids. Staff and student volunteers from UIUC plan each session, and a teacher or staff member from each school help with classroom management and other needs to support the clubs.

When and where do the clubs meet?

We meet each week at IPA from 2:35-3:35 p.m. Thursdays. At UMS, we meet from 3:40-4:25 p.m. Mondays.

Why dual language?

We understand that girls and Latinos of all genders are under-represented and underserved in STEM in general, in and computer science in particular. We want to create a safe and fun space for them to learn more about coding and STEM.

In addition to the coding activities in these clubs, the students will learn about notable Latina women and gender-minorities in coding, computer science, and STEM.

I want to volunteer. Do I need a background check?

The UIUC staff members and student volunteers will need to apply as volunteers in the school district and complete the criminal background checks needed to work with minors.

Will you host events for club members' families?

Middle school students and their families, together with club mentors and volunteers, faculty, and others will celebrate the students’ efforts in an end of year reception on campus. We'll announce the date and location soon!